Have you experienced any oil spills or leaks? As you are aware, oil spills and or leaks bring with them tons of pain for the guilty party with respect to government fines, environmental issues, negative publicity, costly clean up and product losses. To mitigate this pain one needs to continuously monitor for leaks, spills and or illegal dumping of oil.

Aveng ACS is offering an autonomous non-contacting sensor that detects oil on water or on land. It is highly accurate and virtually maintenance free (occasional wiping clean the window glass). Also being a non-contacting device there is no bio-fouling, no instrument contamination from water and no maintenance. Continuous monitoring allows for a faster react time to any anomalies, which in turn allows spills or leaks to be contained sooner, resulting in less expensive clean-up costs. Major spills grab headlines, but minor leaks into the water and surrounding environment are the most common sources of pollution. Download the short brochure on the ROW (Remote Optical Watcher) product to review how you can benefit – ROW Brochure ENG

If you would like more details, a site visit or a presentation at your facility, on the solution, please contact: Mark Tapson, Sales Executive, Aveng ACS at mark.tapson@aveng-acs.com or +27 (0)79 892 4308, alternatively +27 (0)11 249 6700.

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